Fire Brigades Union

La NOSTRA Lotta è anche la LORO

- Solidarietà ai colleghi inglesi da parte della RdB di Milano - 6 dicembre SCIOPERO e MANIFESTAZIONE a ROMA -

Milano -

Dear Fellows, the RdB, the indipendent firemen trade union, together with the Milan Comando Provinciale employees, is in agreement with your struggle.


We learnt about your actions from the media and we are in agreement with the importance of your hard struggle, considering the political and governative short-sighted reactions you’re facing in this period.


Your requests are actually intangible and our heart fills with joy when we know that other foreign colleagues have the necessary determination and strenght to claim their rights and expectations.


Politicians and common people tend to forget the daily effort and the necessary delicacy of our job. Therefore we have all the reasons to ask for working in the best conditions and with the right remuneration, with no speculation.


In Italy our conditions are, if possible, even more uncertain than yours. The National Corps budget is left in the hands of the duty politician’s “charitable generosity” and people aren’t still aware of our fundamentally important aid service.


Your struggle is a great example of tenacity and bravery for us and it urges us to take new actions, wishing a near european unification that will let us improve our work and life conditions.